Friday, February 7, 2025

Coming Soon!

I have lots of events coming up over the next several months related--in various ways--to the theatre, both past and present.

Today, February 7th, is the birthday of Charles Dickens, and the Friends of Dickens New York will be having a special luncheon tomorrow, including a reading from Dickens's novella The Chimes. That story has been frequently adapted for the stage, including at the Adelphi Theatre the very year it was first published.

Later this month, I'll be directing a reading of scenes from Mark Levine's play Evicting the Rabbit Goddess for American Renaissance Theatre Company. This will just be a private reading, and not even of the whole play, but Mark has expressed a desire for getting the full play read in the future. We have a great cast, with Nick Walther and Pëtra Denison both performing.

Then, next month, I'll have my own work performed in Clifton Park, New York by Bunbury Players. Today, I met with the director, Ro Dell'Acqua. Ro will be staging as a 10-minute play the beginning of After an Earlier Incident. I've been developing the piece as a full-length play, but the first scene can also be performed on its own. It will be presented as part of Bunbury Players' Festival of One-Acts at Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library, March 28-30.

Later this year, I plan on going to Boston for the 2025 Dickens Symposium, where I am slated to deliver a paper called "'Dirt and Discomfort': Theatrical Audiences in Dickens." Much attention has been given to Dickens’s representations of actors in novels, but this talk will examine the author’s portrayal of audiences.

That's quite a bit happening soon, so perhaps I will get to see you, dear reader, at one of these upcoming events!