Why am I up so late packing? Because this week is the annual conference of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education.
This year, the conference is in Boston, and I'll be delivering two different papers. The first one, "Byron's Dramatic Revolt," is a part of a session called "Unconventional Resistance on the European Stage." It's sponsored by the Theatre History Focus Group, and I'll be discussing Lord Byron's play Manfred. That will be at 4:00 on Thursday.
On Friday at 5:00, I'll be part of a session sponsored by the Religion and Theatre Focus Group called "Catastrophe: Performance That Revolutionizes." I'll be delivering a paper entitled "Assassination Discovered: Revolutionary Implications of Revelation Scenes in Baillie's De Monfort and Coleridge's Remorse." Our moderator will be Jill Stevenson, a colleague of mine at Marymount Manhattan College.
On Saturday, I'm going to try to see Cry Innocent, a play about the Salem Witch Trials presented by the Salem-based company History Alive. This is my first ATHE conference. We'll see how it goes!