Monday, August 5, 2024


I'm pleased to find that my new book Romantic Actors, Romantic Dramas has been positively reviewed in The Byron Journal.

Julie Carlson previously reviewed the book for The Coleridge Bulletin, paying particularly close attention to the chapter I have on S.T. Coleridge's Remorse. Given that the book also has a chapter on George Gordon Byron's Manfred, it's not surprising that The Byron Journal reviewed it as well.

Timothy Ruppert of Slippery Rock University wrote the review. "I think it is quite likely that Romantic Actors will help to foster a desperately needed renovation in the study of Shelley, Byron, and other theatre-makers whose contributions have been unacknowledged or poorly understood," Ruppert wrote. "Armstrong merits commendation for his vision, lucidity, and persuasiveness, as well as for his fortitude in positing a new way of seeing Regency-era stagecraft."

This issue of The Byron Journal also has an article by Jane Stabler, who gave the Annual Byron Scotland Lecture at the opening of last month's conference for the British Association for Romantic Studies. Susan J. Wolfson, Maria Schoina, David Duff, and Peter W. Graham also contributed articles to the issue.