
Friday, March 22, 2024

Queens Short Play Festival

Last night, I went to the semifinals of the Queens Short Play Festival at the Secret Theatre in Woodside.

A couple years ago, my own play My Fellow Americans premiered at the Secret Theatre's one-act festival, and Rebecca Ana Peña won a best performer award for her portrayal of the President of the United States.

This time, I came out to cheer on fellow playwright Doug DeVita, whose play Mrs. Platte made it to the semifinals. Mrs. Platte depicts a chance encounter between a student (played by Calum Giles) and his former teacher Mrs. Platte (Rose Zisa). It also features one of my favorite actresses, Jessica Vera, with whom I developed my play The Love Songs of Brooklynites.

Other plays that made the semifinals include William Zolla's The Valentine Audit, Niki Woods's Go Fish, and David Gill's In the Garden of Hesperides. The finals are on Sunday, so if you're interested in seeing the best of the best, get your tickets now.